What is the Rogerian therapy?


The Person-centered therapy was created by the psychologist and founder of humanistic psychology, Carl Rogers (1902 – 1987). His approach brings the idea that people, like everything else in nature, seek growth and self-update, and that this can be achieved through self-knowledge and rediscovery of oneself. With this intention, Rogers' approach consists of three basic and essential conditions: Empathy, Congruence and Unconditional Positive Acceptance.


Empathy plays a fundamental role, forming the warm atmosphere of the encounter between therapist and client. Congruence seeks a relationship of maximum authenticity with oneself and with the other. Positive unconditional acceptance is nothing more than the total acceptance of the other, without conditions, which strengthens a posture of connection with the true essence of the individual.


These three essential elements aim to form a transparent relationship between therapist and client, where in an accepting environment, the person has the freedom to express themselves without worries, confident that all their feelings and thoughts will be heard without judgment.